Heartseed Health

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What Makes a Person Beautiful...?

What makes a person beautiful? 

Is it a perfectly symmetrical wrinkle free face? 

Is it voluptuous shimmering hair? 

Is it wisdom, deeply etched into skin over years of experience? 

Perhaps its a certain shimmer of knowing glistening in the eyes?

Maybe it’s something the glows from deeper within and can be seen more in the actions that define a person’s character, then in their face.

We can’t say for sure, can we? But we know it when we see it.

Beauty is not a singular thing, it’s a quality that clothes many forms.

Can we all be beautiful? Or is it more exclusive than that? 

Should we be concerned with our own beauty? Or is that vain? 

That’s a boatload of questions that we can’t answer all right now. 

What we can say is that we believe that beauty is a reflection of devotion to life.

We believe that beauty arises when we strive to honor, nurture, and support the blossoming of life. Sometimes this is the hard work of tilling the soil and planting seeds and sometimes it’s in the power of the loud sweaty and painful miracle that is giving birth to new life. Sometimes it’s the gentle quiet and simplicity of arranging freshly cut flowers on a late summer’s day, or in the aroma of a heartfully tended to slowly cooked bolognese sauce over fresh pasta.

We find beauty in the things that carry the gift of something extra. In the ornamenting of something for the sake of enhancing our lives. 

So perhaps a beautiful person is one who is devoted to life.

It’s sounds lofty. 

But maybe wiping the tush of our 3 year old when they’re done pooping is beautiful.

Maybe throwing the frisbee for our dog is beautiful.

Maybe smiling at a stranger is beautiful.