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372 Lefthand Canyon Drive
Boulder, CO, 80302
United States


Heartseed Health in Boulder, CO is an acupuncture and counseling practice offering holistic and integrative care. We can support you with medicine grounded in spirit and rooted in science.

Stay Gentle


Stay Gentle

Dr. Noah K. Goldstein, DACM L.Ac.

Mmmm... these sweet and special Fall days... Bright golden leaves, cool clear air, and light that comes down at angle that bedazzles... It feels as though the earth is singing us a mantra "cherish each moment, cherish each moment, cherish each moment."

Something I've been hearing myself repeat lately as new folks come to work with me is, "I always start with the most gentle approach I can." Try that on for a moment. When confronted with dischord or disharmony, what's the smallest, simplest, and most gentle intervention we can introduce? What opens, shifts, and changes with gentleness.

Most of the time, something is set in motion that leads to the change we were seeking. And perhaps how we get where we’re going is as important as where we go.

In some cases, the body asks for more. It says, "Yes, that was nice, but I'd like something stronger, more vigorous." And indeed we respond that way. But more often then not, the body (and the heart and mind), are delighted to be treated in a gentle way. The body says with a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank you. Finally. That's exactly what I needed."

I've been approaching the land this way lately as well. Whenever I have an idea about what to plant where, or how to change or rerrange something, or what should be cut back, I pause. I slow down and listen. What's the gentle approach here?

We can always come in with more invasive and intense action later, but why not start with a deeper listening.

I find the gentleness requires active presence. It's tender. It's loving. It's curious.

A few weeks ago at Red Rocks, Rachael and I were delighted to discover that Brandi Carlile is feeling gentleness these days too. I'm forever grateful that she put into lyric and melody what I can only fumble to say in written word... listen to this...

As Brandi says,

"Stay gentle, stay gentle

The most powerful thing you can do

Oh, gentle, unbreakable you"

What's kind of power lives in Gentleness?

What kind of world emerges from Gentless?

What kind of Health arises from Gentleness?

I'll sit in those questions with wonder.

And I'll continue to treat those I encounter with gentleness... and who knows, maybe as I do, I'll live up to that thing our culture achingly wishes upon me, to be a Gentleman.

Stay Gentle,
