Heartseed Health

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14 Billion years in the making...

This moment is 14 billion years in the making. Seriously. It’s taken all that time to get to this moment. And at our backs are our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and generations more of people who lived through unimaginable lives. 

If you’re reading this today, it’s because your ancestors managed to survive famines and plagues and wars. Your DNA has lived through unbelievable challenges and carries within in the vitality and vivaciousness to keep on going.

So when we get to that place of not knowing, we can rest assured that life will find a way. 

We can slow down, turn inward, and remember into our reality that whatever process we’re a part of is unfolding in some great way that we can't yet understand. All we can do is stay present and live from our integrity.

And from the perspective of a 14 billion year horizon of existence, our problems, challenges and mysteries don’t seem all that significant. Not to minimize their realness, but to make sure we have them in the right perspective.